Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kmer New year

Cambodian New Year (Khmer: បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី) or Chaul Chnam Thmey in the Khmer language, literally "Enter the New Year", is the name of the Cambodian holiday that celebrates the New Year. But if you are to be literal Chnam means year and Thmey means new so you are saying enter year new. (if said in English.) The holiday lasts for three days beginning on New Year's day, which usually falls on April 13th or 14th. This time of the year is at the end of the harvesting season. The farmers enjoy the fruits of their harvest and relax before the rainy season begins. Khmer living abroad may celebrate on the weekend rather than the actual New Year's day. The Khmer new year coincides with the traditional solar new year in several parts of India, Myanmar and Thailand
Maha Songkran (មហាសង្រ្កាន្ត)
Maha Songkran, derived from Sanskrit Maha Sankranti, is the name of the first day of the new year celebration. It is the ending of the year and the beginning of a new one. People dress up and light candles and burn incense sticks at shrines. The members of each family pay homage to offer thanks for the Buddha's teachings by bowing, kneeling and prostrating themselves three times before his image. For good luck people wash their face with holy water in the morning, their chests at noon, and their feet in the evening before they go to bed.
Virak Wanabat (វ័នបត)
Virak Wanabat is the name of the second day of the new year celebration. People contribute charity to the less fortunate, help the poor, servants, homeless people, and low-income families. Families attend a dedication ceremony to their ancestors at the monastery.
Tngay Leang Saka (ថ្ងៃឡើងស័ក)
Tngay Leang Saka is the name of the third day of the new year celebration. Buddhist cleanse the Buddha statues and elders with perfumed water. Bathing the Buddha images is the symbol that water will be needed for all kinds of plants and lives. It is also thought to be a kind deed that will bring longevity, good luck, happiness and prosperity in life. By bathing their grandparents and parents, children can obtain from them best wishes and good advice for the future.

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